99 Startups Monthly Newsletter - February 2024
We are in the final days of reviewing applications for our acceleration program. We have seen a lot of great teams trying to solve huge problems in the region.
We are really excited about this initiative and can’t wait to share with you the great companies we are going to invest in!
At 99 Startups we will be making a 12-week acceleration program where we will invest $50k USD in 3 or 4 companies, in exchange for a 3% equity ownership. Our focus will be on building the next community of founders who want to build for at least the next 10 years.
The program will be starting on February 21st.
News about our portfolio companies
With her platform ‘Cuéntame’, Regina Athié has benefited the mental health of 64 thousand of people.
Belo incorporated into the Pix System in Brazil.
Great companies we have recently reviewed
EmpatIA: Through Artificial Intelligence, they enhance the conversion of potential customers by providing step-by-step guidance, addressing concerns, and offering support tailored to each user's unique needs.
Vasar: A marketplace for automotive components and parts in Mexico.
Recommendations of the month
Principles (Ray Dalio): Ray shares with us his career learnings and argues that life and investing can both be systemized into rules. You will find hundreds of lessons including effective ways for individuals and organizations to make decisions.
Airbnb: Joe Gebbia - How I built this with Guy Raz: Joe shares his story on how he went from being unable to pay for his rent to building one of the most trending companies in the past years.
What It Takes to Grow Your Startup 500% in Months - Paul Arnold.
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